Rabu, 15 April 2015


Dice Maker


We can make Dice (dadu in Indonesian) to make learn more enjoyable.

1. Open http://www.toolsforeducators.com/ and choose The Dice Maker.


2. After that choose type (blue), after that choose one from the options of Dice.

3. To make one die choose One Die (red, looked at the picture at number 2) and click one, after that Select Picture and click Make it!.

 The result will be like this.

 5. To make two dice we can choose Two Dice (green, looked at the picture at number 2), after that Select Picture and click Make it!.

The result will be like this.

 6. To make two dice with picture on one die and text on the other one choose One Text One Images (brown, looked at the picture at number 2), after that write the text for hints and Select Picture and click Make it!.
 And the result.

7. We can print the results, after that we can cut and fold it in the shape of cube. And dice ready to play.

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